On the Vineyard, your love story becomes a masterpiece…


Madison & Jake’s Wedding | Allen Farm | Chilmark, MA

Turn your wedding or event on Martha’s Vineyard into more than just a celebration—make it a lasting work of art…

Painting for Madison & Jake’s Wedding | Allen Farm | Chilmark, MA

Picture this: as your guests revel in the joy of the day, Alexis artfully captures the breathtaking landscape and ambiance of your special moment, right before their eyes. It’s not just a painting; it’s an experience—a unique form of entertainment that adds a touch of elegance and magic to your day.  This isn’t just about creating a beautiful keepsake; it’s about elevating your event to something extraordinary. 

Hayley and Ryan‘s wedding | Location Beach Plum inn | Menemsha MA

Imagine walking away from your celebration with a stunning piece of art that holds the essence of your day, a cherished memento that will keep your memories alive for a lifetime.

Painting of Hayley and Ryan‘s wedding | Location Beach Plum inn | Menemsha MA

How to book

A 50% non-refundable deposit is required upon signed contract to secure your date.

Sanctuary Supper | Flex Neck Mass Audubon Sanctuary | Edgartown MA

Live event painting packages

Package costs include: all supplies, labor, consultation time, painting hours on-site, set-up and breakdown of painting station, studio time, finishing touches and varnish coat. final art work and a custom handmade floater frame crafted by the artist herself.

Painting of Climate Change Benefit | Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary | Edgartown MA

Other examples: View from Bells to Lucy Vincent | Chilmark MA

Other examples: Squibnocket Beach | Chilmark MA

For all inquiries & package pricing

Press below link [CREATE YOUR VINEYARD KEEPSAKE] so we can see witch package works best for you and your event. Information if possible, the date and location of event.

Let’s make a work of art together…..